I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Saturday, 9 March 2013

March 9

“That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection.” (Phil.3.10).
The first visit of the Lord Jesus Christ to Bethany is described in Luke 10:38-42. The second visit was at the invitation of Martha and Mary. The first time He went of His own choice. But in John 11:3 the sisters sent for Him to come home, because there was a special need at that time. Their brother was very sick. They did not know then what a great blessing the Lord Jesus Christ had in store for them by not coming immediately.
In the beginning of our Christian life, we go to the lord only when we are sick or any need. We pray only for our personal needs or problems. We think only for our personal need. We find however, that when the Lord delays in answering prayer, it means that He wants to give us a greater blessing. We can see from God’s Word that the power of resurrection is the highest power in world (Phil 3:10). Paul was not longing for the miracles or the third heaven. He was longing for two things, viz., “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection.”
The Lord Jesus Christ went to Bethany for the same purpose—so that Martha, Mary and Lazarus might know Him more intimately, and so that they might have a personal experience of the power of His resurrection.
Today's calendar Bible verse:
“Lord God! … there is nothing too hard for thee”.


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