I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Sunday 10 March 2013

March 10

“Jesus said…. I am the resurrection and the life.” (John 11.25).
In John 11.12 Martha said: “Wherever you ask God He will give it to you.” In verse 24 again she says “I know that he shall raise again in the resurrection.” When Jesus said that Lazarus would rise again on that very day, she could not believe it, though she believed he would rise at the last day. Even through the Lord Jesus was about to raise Lazarus, Martha came in His way and said: “Lord by this he stinketh; for he hath been dead for four days.” The Lord had already told them to roll away the stone, but their faith was merely a mist. The Lord used a painful experience to reveal to Martha and Mary the power of resurrection.
Our faith is mostly head faith. When Mary rose up hastily and came where Jesus was as in verse 32, she said: “Lord, if thou hast been here my brother had not died”, as if healing depended upon His going to the house. They had no living faith. Lazarus (John 11.44) came out of the grave wrapped about with the grave clothes. This was for a purpose. If God wanted He could have brought him out without the grave clothes. But Jesus said: “Loose him and let him go.” Others had to come to help him. Thus Lazarus became free. New power came into him and automatically power came into Martha and Mary. So Martha, Mary and Lazarus became a happy family. Once we receive the power of resurrection, we are in a better position to enjoy God’s plan.
Today's calendar Bible verse:
“The upright shall have good things in possessions”. Prov. 28:10.


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