“Now mine eye seeth Thee; wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job: 42.5-6)
In every way Mary was outwardly humble. Straightway she came to the feet of the Lord Jesus when He came into the house. She was so hungry for the Word of God, but judging by her attitude in John 11:20

The lord went to Bethany in order first to let that family realize their true inward condition. Before God can bless us and help us. He must show us also our true nature. Unless we humble ourselves and see ourselves as the Lord Jesus sees us, He cannot bless us.
This is a picture of a true church. In every visit to Bethany He revealed something. He wants to teach us also how His love can come into us fully. Our Lord wants our heart, home and church to be a Bethany, and then there will be a triumphant life, a happy home and a living church. This threefold secret is revealed by our Lord going to Bethany.
Today's calendar Bible verse:
“Thou shalt worship the Lord… and him only shalt thou serve. Matt. 4:10

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