I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Wednesday 13 March 2013

March 13

“Without me ye can do nothing.”(John 15.5).
It is only with the resurrection power that one can overcome all limitations, and trials and temptations. It is only with resurrection power we have an intimate knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Such an intimate knowledge of God comes by resurrection power. That is why Paul had no longing for vision, or dreams or signs; nor did he desire to be caught up to the third heaven. He longed to know Christ and the power of His resurrection.
Such a faith will not come easily till we have had many failures. After we have failed many times we will say, “O Lord, I confess I am no good.” Consciously or unconsciously we depend upon our own strength, our wisdom and our knowledge. Paul said, “I die daily.” (1Cor. 15. 31). As human beings we all remain weak in spite of our Bible knowledge, cleverness and past blessings. With our old nature we think we can conquer temptation. The devil brings something into our path every day, by thought, word or deed, and the Lord puts into our life some disappointment, some painful situation some trial or difficulty to teach us how to depend upon Him constantly. “Without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). For all things you can depend upon Him. Generally we go to the Lord for big matters and not for small maters. That attitude brings us into many failures. We have to recognize the power of resurrection for small maters too, for every burden for every ministry, and for every need.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“Bless the Lord, o my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Psalm 103:2


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