I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Thursday 14 March 2013

March 14

“Against the day of my burying hath she kept this.” (John 12:7).
In John 12 is the record of the third visit of the Lord Jesus Christ to Bethany. On that occasion Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with costly ointment of spikenard. The house was filled with its odor and the sweet perfume must have been smelled from a distance by the people passing by, it was so strong and sweet.
That is how our Christian life should be, and also our Christian home life and our Church life. The sweetness of the Lord Jesus should be smelled and felt by all who pass by. The house speaks of peace and joy and victory, but before it was a house of sorrow, tears, unbelief and of murmuring almost everyday. Now it has become a house of joy, peace and happiness. Before we are born again, we are like a house of mourning, and our lives are full of defeat and failure and many problems, like Bethany was in Chapter 11. in some houses the people are full of murmuring and complaints, and this house was once like that, but it is now full of peace and joy, and a house of fellowship, worship, and victory, because His power has come into the family. In John 11 we saw how they all experienced the power of resurrection collectively.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“Jesus came into the world to save sinners”. I Tim 1:15.


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