I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Tuesday 12 March 2013

March 12

“I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee.” Gen.12.2.
To prove resurrection power God made Abraham to wait till he had become old and his wife had passed the age for child-bearing. Unless God had put new life into those two bodies they could not have had a son. You can imagine the agony which they had to go through for twenty- five years after they left Haran. Abraham was a righteous man, but he had no son for a long time, and at last decided to make his will to the steward of his house. For many years he had been through agony and trials, and doubtless many mocked at him saying, “You said God would make of you a great nation! Why did He not give you a son? If He had wanted to, He could have given you a son long ago.” Thus people may have mocked and ridiculed, and God was silent till Abraham knew the power of resurrection (Rom. 4:18-25). But that faith was given to him only after ha had waited for 24 years. Then he began to see that God had poured into him and his wife the power of resurrection through they had passed the age of child-bearing. Unless God had put new life into those bodies, that miracle would have not been possible.
In the beginning, Abraham had some faith when God appeared to him. Straightway he had left his home and followed the Lord. But the Lord was not satisfied. He wanted the faith that would claim the power of resurrection.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God.” Eccl.5:1


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