“She brake the box and poured it on His head.” (Mark 14:3)
For the seventh visit, let us turn to Mathew 26 and Mark 14:1 to 9. In Mathew 26:2 it says after two days was the Passover, and the ointment was poured on His head. In John 12:1 we read that six days before Passover He came to Bethany. In Mathew 26:2, our Lord said again to His disciples that the time had come for Him to suffer, to be reviled, to be killed and to rise again. Even though He said this a number of times, yet His disciples could not understand or believe what He was saying.
In contrast the women believed what He said . While all those disciples could not understand what our Lord was saying so clearly, Mary understood! (Math.26:2,12). She just came to prepare Him for His burial, (John 12:7). Somehow her eyes had been opened, and she began to understand that He was giving His life willingly for the whole world (John 10:11,14,17,18).
The woman must have spent all that she had to buy that box of ointment. Then she brought it to the Lord Jesus and broke the box and poured the ointment upon Him. (Mark 14:3). She wanted every single drop to be poured upon Him, so we read in Mark 14 that she “brake the box”. Nothing could now remain. She poured it all upon His head that His whole body might be anointed.
Today’s calendar’s Bible verse:
“I will set my tabernacle among you.” Lev.26:11.
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