“Lord! What will thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:6).
Many children go to their father only when they want sweets and other things, but they never say: “ Father, can I do anything to help you? You are looking so tired and sad. Can I do anything lessen your burden?”. There are very few of that type. Yet there are some children who look at their fathers and mothers face and say: “ You take rest. I will do all the work.” That is the right attitude!
Do you say, “ Now Lord, tell me in which way I can please thee and satisfy thee and give thee comfort and rest?”. He will answer those who ask. He will tell us what He requires, as He did to those at Bethany who ministered to Him satisfaction, comfort, rest and peace. If you want to grow spiritually, our daily attitude should be : “ Lord, I am not concerned about my own problems or needs of any kind. Please tell me : Do you want me to go anywhere, or to meet anybody, or help anybody?. Is there anything I can do for you which will be in accordance with your perfect will, which will give you more joy and happiness and peace?”. Then He will tell you where to and what to do. It is a wonderful thing to obey God, and the way He helps us to obey His will is also wonderful. Then it happens automatically and unasked that the Lord helps us and supplies our every need.
Today’s calendar’s Bible verse:
“In blessing I will bless thee”. Gen 22:17.
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