I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Wednesday 20 March 2013

March 20

“Thy king cometh unto thee …..lowly and riding ……upon a colt, the foal of an ass” Zech.9:9
At His fourth visit to Bethany the Lord planned to reveal His Kingship. He wanted His friends to understand this, and how they could enjoy the privilege of that Kingship, and paradoxically how to be humble and meek. Many believers only accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior. They want Him only to forgive their sins and eventually to take them to heaven. They do not understand the real longing of the Lord Jesus to make them His coworkers and partners, and that, for that purpose they have to be brought under His kinship and Lordship constantly. After many years and failure, they understand and to give the right place to Lord Jesus in their hearts as heavenly king. He has to be our king of our hearts, home and church, and His authority must be fully exercised in our midst constantly, individually, as a family, and as a church.
Thought our Lord could have commanded any beast even a lion to ride upon, he choose purposely a colt of an ass. Among all animals a colt of an ass is a very rebellious animal. The colt of an ass will not allow anybody to ride on it and those who try to do so do not have any easy time, yet he choose an unbroken colt. When they brought this unbroken colt to him, straight away he sat on it and there was no kicking. It carried the Lord Jesus with great joy and obedience.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“The desire of the righteous shall be granted”. Prov 10:24.


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