I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Tuesday 19 March 2013

March 19

“At the name of Jesus every Knee should bow… and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Phil 2:10-11.
The Lord Jesus represents the head. Lazarus represents the power of resurrection. Thirdly, there was food on the table, which speaks of the word of God which we enjoy through our fellowship with our Lord Jesus. Then there will be true growth, both personally and with the family. Fourthly, Martha was serving joyfully ( John 12:2).
Mary was full of devotion and worship ( V.3 ). Before she had been so proud. Openly she was humble, but inwardly she was proud. They now all acknowledge Jesus as their master, Lord, Creator and Resurrection; and say “Thou art worthy of all worship! When you see Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, honor Him as such.
There are five simple divine principles for a triumphant life, a happy home and a living church. Firstly we must go to Him for everything and get His approval all our plans; Secondly we must seek the daily appropriation of the power of resurrection for all our needs and problems and trials; thirdly, we must have fellowship, and be subject to the word of God; fourthly, there must be joyful service; and fifthly true devotion and worship with humility and gratitude. This five-fold secret is for a happy home, and a happy home fulfills the divine order. May our Lord give us this experience.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“God is with thee in all that thou doest” . Gen.21:22.


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