I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

March 6

“If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away; behold all things are become new, and all things are of God.” (2Cor. 5.17-18).
No doubt Martha and Mary belonged to a nice family. When the Lord Jesus to the house, straightaway Martha would begin to cook food, and straightaway Martha would come to the feet of the Lord Jesus. What a nice family they were, very generous, kind , loving and so hospitable, and above all a God-fearing family. But the had seen something which others could not see. Unless a man becomes totally new, he cannot receive God’s love, power and grace. Even though outwardly he may he may look nice and well-behaved, none of these human virtues can satisfy God, unless they come from an inward change of nature. We remain under condemnation as long as we do not come to the Lord Jesus. Whatever we have through our old nature, our good behavior and manners or that which we call virtue, is nothing but filthy rags (Isaiah 64.6). It is only as we receive new life that our nature becomes new.
So the Lord Jesus Christ came to Bethany to let them see first their true inward condition, for only then could He bless them. Patiently and lovingly He came to Bethany, till He found a change in the whole family. The Lord Jesus Christ very lovingly comes to us, and sends His people to us and His servants again and again till we are brought into full possession of new life. Then our yea become yea and our nay becomes nay, and every step will be controlled by Him. That takes time, but the Lord knows all our difficulties, and very lovingly comes to us again and again.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“We have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” Col 1:14.


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