I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Friday 22 March 2013

March 22

“The Lord saveth not with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lords.”(1Sam.17:47).
God has His own way of breaking all of us. David himself testified in 1 Samuel 17:47, and declared very boldly that he was not defending upon the sword or any other weapon. Yet, after winning many other battles in the strength of the Lord he wanted to take pride in numbering his people, to show to others that in his kingdom there were many mighty men or valor to fight enemy. He commanded Joab to number the people. Joab reminded him that he had not fought any battle in his own strength, nor by the strength of his army, but that it was the Lord that had fought for him. Yet the king’s word prevailed and Joab numbered the people, till God’s wrath fell upon David, and he was brought to the threshing floor, (2Sam.24:15,16) to break his pride. A threshing floor is the place where men separate the grain from the chaff. David had begun to take pride in his knowledge, schemes and plans, but God was telling him; “David, what you called cleverness is nothing but chaff.” He had to be brought to the threshing floor to be humbled and emptied, and to break and take away his strength and self-sufficiency. God does the same to us to make us depend upon Him completely. That very threshing floor later became the site for Solomon’s temple (2Chronicles 3:1)

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“Let patience have her perfect work; that ye may be perfect”(James 1:4)


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