I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Saturday 2 March 2013

March 2

“And Isaiah said, Take a lump of figs, and they took and laid it on the boil, and he recovered.” (2Kings 20.7).
The word Bethany means house of figs. In the Bible figs speaks of health c.f. 2 Kings 20:7. Figs are a part of the normal diet of the Jews. In 1 Samuel 25:18 we read how Abigail brought the best things to David, hoping to appease his anger, and amongst them were two hundred cakes of figs. On another occasion in 1 Chronicles 12 :38-40 men of war came to make David King, and there was great joy in the whole Kingdom. There was feasting, and the best things were available for eating and drinking. Amongst those good things were cake of figs. This is an illustration of the value of the figs among the Jews, for feasting and also for health. Bethany as house of figs is also house of health.
The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to bring us true health. All men are sick of sin and sickness of sin cannot be healed. Other diseases may be healed by medicines or by some other treatment, but this disease of sin cannot be healed. So the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to heal men and women from the sickness of sin.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established. Prov 16:3.


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