I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Saturday 16 March 2013

March 16

“Continue ye in my love.” (John 15.9).
Many Christians regard the Lord as Head in the same way, but the Lordship of the Lord Jesus is not evident in their lives. It is only after many failures and defeat that they realize the importance of giving everything over to Him as the Head. I suffered for two years seeking to have that power in my life. I was reading the Bible the whole day, spending many hours in prayer and Bible study, attending meetings, and keeping myself from worldly association. But there was something lacking in my life till the Lord showed me the secret of living victorious life.
One night the Lord met me and said to me: “Tell me, Bakht Singh, how are your sins forgiven?” I said, “Lord, I acknowledged that I was a great sinner, and I believed that you died for my sins, and have forgiven me for my sins.” Then the Lord said to me, “Do you believe that you are the weakest person living and that you have no power over the flesh?” At once I got the secret: that for even the smallest thing I had to consult Him; and that I could depend upon Him for wisdom, knowledge and strength for every detail, as a child holds the mother at every step because it cannot depend upon itself for anything. That is how we have to cast ourselves upon the Lord for everything (John 15.5). for the smallest thing we have to go to Him.

Today's calendar Bible verse:
“….thou art called by the name of the Lord; and they shall be afraid of thee.” Deut. 28:10.


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