I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Sunday 3 February 2013

February 3

“Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.” (Exodus 25.8).
Some hundreds of years after Jacob’s day, what God said to Jacob in Genesis 28 was now made clearer to Moses on the Mount, when he was shown the pattern of the Tabernacle. From the mountain Moses saw many things, and amongst them the House of God in its glory. In Hebrews we see that what Moses was shown on the Mount was but a shadow of that House which is now being built by God. As the apostle says in Hebrews 3.6, we are the House of the Lord Jesus Christ, provided we hold fast our confidence and the rejoicing of our hope to the end.
How can God give us a share in that House? Our Lord Jesus Christ said to peter; “Whom do you think that I am?” peter had answered: “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God.” Then the Lord said to him: “Peter, that revelation has not come to you by flesh and blood. It is my heavenly Father who has revealed to you who I am, and upon that revelation I will build My Church’. It is not a bodily revelation of Christ that we want now, but a spiritual revelation, for the more we know our Lord by divine revelation, the more we are able to bring material to build the House of God.
Today’s calendar bible verse:
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105


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