I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Thursday 24 January 2013

I delight to do thy will, O my God

“I delight to do thy will, O my God”
(Psalm 40.8)
The joy of Lord, which is our real strength in all our circumstances and experiences and responsibilities, is the secret of true spiritual growth.
It is quite possible to remain a spiritual babe for many years instead of for only a few months and, sad to say, many do. But God wants every one of His children to come to full growth and responsibility. God’s intension is that you should grow daily. As you read and meditate on God’s word you get to know Him, and so you have a growing hunger to be in His presence. It is by sending time with God that you grow in the knowledge of Him.
As we begin to delight in the Lord, we begin to have a real pleasure in doing His will. “ I delight to do thy will, O my God!” (Psalm 40:8). Sometimes the Lord keeps us waiting months or years to know His will, and as we wait we learn valuable lessons. We learn how to exercise the authority of His name; we learn to understand the hidden mysteries of His word; and from this we pass on to the place where we are willing to suffer shame for him. As we go through all these experiences we grow into spiritual manhood, and that means that we are ready to bear the spiritual responsibility that God has for us and is waiting to share with us.


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