I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Tuesday 15 January 2013

II Sam.5: 7,9a

“Nevertheless David took the Stronghold of Zion: the same is the city of David ….”
II Sam.5: 7,9a
The day when David conquered Zion was another occasion for rejoicing. Joshua had failed to drive out the Jebusites from Zion. These began to mock at David, but by God’s grace and strength he drove them out. Yes, the day when he did so was a happy day for him, because then he began to see something more of the purpose of God in choosing hi. He began to see something of God’s heavenly plan for his people, and how it could not be accomplished while the Jebusites remained in Jerusalem.
It was part of the heavenly plan that they should be driven out only by God’s people who had come out of Egypt. He had chosen His people to be His co-workers and partners in judgment. God relies upon you, His people, to fulfill His heavenly plan.


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