I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Monday 14 January 2013

I Sam 30:18-19

“ And David recovered all that the amalekites had carried away… And there was nothing lacking to them, neither small nor great… David recovered all” I Sam 30:18-19.”
When we fail God, and do things against His will we are bound to suffer. But … David came back to his senses, and consulted God. As a result, “ David recovered all”.
Like David we also make many mistakes. Even though we are born again, and have been tasting His love and have learned how to find His will, at sometimes we also fail to seek the will of God, and do things instead in our own wisdom. Those who should be your friends may turn against you when you go wrong. But by coming back to your Lord, and doing His will, you are washed and forgiven and covered. You can rejoice that god has forgiven your folly and that you can again be used by Him; and your heart will be filled with the great joy of restored communion and answered prayer.


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