I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Monday 8 April 2013

April 8

“The cloud covered the tabernacle”. Numbers: 9.15-23.
This is the second great proof that God was with them in His full glory. Their eyes were constantly upon the cloud resting upon the tent of the congregation. Whether the cloud lifted in the morning or mid-day, or evening, or mid-night, children of Israel moved only when the cloud lifted. When the cloud tarried for a day or a week or a month or a year or even longer, they have to stay; they could not move; but whithersoever the cloud went, they had to go. By these two great signs ,we know that God’s glory was dwelling amongst His people. Now we find in I Samuel 4:22, that the glory departed. They were many causes responsible for that. Let us consider a few of the causes that were responsible for the spiritual decline of the people. In judges 21:25, the first great cause of their failure and their bareness was that “ Everyone did that which was right in his own eyes”.
In I Samuel 2:12-17 we see a second cause of failure. These sons of Eli, the high priest , began to despise the sacrifices; and not only that they began to use force. We are told in verse 13 that they had with them a flesh-hook of three teeth, to take away the flesh which was meant for God. Nowadays, the very same thing is happening through flesh-hooks of three teeth; that is, the honor that ought to be given to God is being given to men because of
A. Love for money
B. Love for Power
C. Love for fame

Today’s calendar’s Bible verse:
“Your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you”. John 16:22.


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