I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Saturday 5 January 2013

I delight to do thy will, O my God

“I delight to do thy will, O my God” (Psa.40:8).
When first we came to know the Lord, we did not know how to find the will of God, how to hear His voice, how to recognize where and how He was working. But, as we begin to walk with Him, and to live with him more and more closely, we discover that we are ‘workers together with God’ (2 Cor.6: 1). When we hear the Word of God preached and see the name of the Lord Jesus Christ being uplifted and received, and His work being done, then our hearts leap with joy.
When the Lord is our delight, His Name, His goodness and His glory is our exceeding joy, and we begin to long to know and to do His will. When we can say with joy: ‘Lord, keep me here, or send me anywhere else’; when we can truly say with all our heart: ‘thy will be done’, then that joy will be our strength to do His will.
Do you want the joy of the Lord to be your strength? Then learn to take delight in doing God’s will. Find time, make time, give time to discover His will, and then make it your delight to do it. To do this, you may have to suffer hardships, and travel a ling road, but the fact remains that you will be doing His will, and it will bring you fullest joy and pleasure.


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