I Wish You the Happy Christmas & Prosperous New Year

Sunday 20 January 2013

I Chron. 21.28; 22.1

“Then David said, this is the house of the Lord God, and this is the altar of the burnt offering for Israel”
(I Chron. 21.28; 22.1)
It was not for a mere earthly kingdom that God was calling David. He had for him a kingdom far higher and greater than that. We have seen the growth of joy in David’s life, stage by stage, and we have seen what it was that gave both to God and to David the greatest satisfaction, even the revelation to him of God’s plan and pattern for his temple.
Before God could reveal His plan to him, He had, as we have seen, to bring David by a path of sorrow to the threshing-floor of Araunah, the Jebusite. Then David realized that the same plot of ground upon which he built his altar and burnt peace offerings was wanted by the Lord to build His temple. God could have told David from the very beginning to build His house in that place, but David was not ready then to receive such a command or instruction. It is only when we are truly ready and prepared that God can give to us the instructions of His heart.


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