Have you ever wondered, If God knows everything, then why do I need to pray? Well, you can bet that God doesn't need us to pray to know what's happening in our lives or in the world. But there are other reasons that prayer is a necessity in the life of a believer. Let's look at the Bible to find out why we ought to pray.
Let's begin with one of the shortest verses in the Bible. It will help us understand the need to pray.
"Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NKJV

Notice that the verb, "pray" is a command, not a suggestion. God tells us to pray. So, the first reason we ought to pray--and if this were the only reason, it would be enough of a reason--is that praying is God's will for the Christian. It's a matter of obedience. And when we committed our lives to Christ, obedience was not optional. When God says we are to pray without ceasing, we need to obey and pray.
This means any time, 24/7, in any situation where I need to go to God, I can do so without hesitation because it is His will that I talk to Him.
But here's another reason we need to pray:
"Brethren, pray for us" (2 Thessalonians 3:1, NKJV

God wants us to pray for one another. Praying for others breaks the pattern of self-centeredness that we develop so easily.
And there is a third reason to pray:
"Pray that you may not enter into temptation" (Luke 22:40

Prayer is a guard that keeps us from sinning.
Last, one of the most compelling reasons, and greatest encouragement, to pray is seeing Jesus on His knees.
"After He [Jesus] had sent the crowds away, He went up to the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone (Matthew 14:23, NASB

If Jesus needed to pray, then you and I certainly must as well.
Did you realize that it is God's will for His children to pray to Him? To talk to Him all the time about what is going in their lives?
Is there a sense of "oughtness" about your prayer life? Is there a constant desire in your heart to know God more and more? Are there concerns and needs in your life that require God's intervention? Are you committed with all your heart to God's purpose of maturing you spiritually, conforming you to Jesus?
Then, for you, prayer is not an option or an obligation. It is a necessity and a privilege, and opens your life to God's work and grace.
Oswald Chambers said, "Every time we pray, our horizon is altered, our attitude to things is altered, not sometimes but every time, and the amazing thing is that we don't pray more."
Take time now to ask God to give you understanding as to what would help you become more consistent in your prayer life. Then make a commitment--today--to Him, in prayer, to pray.
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